Journalism plays a crucial role in holding power to account and exposing the wrongdoing of our political and corporate elite. But in the modern media landscape, the ethos of journalism is under pressure with editors doing deals with advertisers to carry paid-for material disguised as honest news; reporters accepting bribes; or any of a multitude of dodgy practices which are kept hidden from the audience. Despite most journalists doing an honest job, in times of financial crisis many cut corners and betray their ethical principles. In every country, insiders know what is going on, but too often they are reluctant to talk about it openly.

To kick start a more open conversation about corruption and self-censorship the Ethical Journalism Network conducted a worldwide survey in 2015 covering 18 countries. Untold Stories aims to encourage people at all levels in journalism to face up to the realities of corruption and self-interest at work inside their business.

Read our report on media corruption

Corruption and Conflict of Interest Stalk the Newsroom



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If you share our mission, please consider donating to the Ethical Journalism Network. Your financial contribution will help the EJN to support journalists around the world who are striving to uphold ethical practices in order to build public trust in good journalism.