Impacts of artificial intelligence development on human rights, democracy and the rule of law Governing the Game Changer – Impacts of artificial intelligence development on human rights, democracy and the rule of law Council of Europe #AIFINCoE Helsinki, Finlandia Hall, 26-27 February 2019 DAY 1 RECORDING DAY 2 STREAM Event Description With the emergence of new tools that employ artificial intelligence (AI) we are witnessing another technological revolution. It affects individuals, communities and institutions at multiple, interconnected and interdependent levels. The impacts of AI are everywhere and present opportunities as well as important challenges for the lives and futures of billions of people. The overall aim of the Conference is to engage in a critical, open and inclusive discussion on how to address AI development to maximise benefits for society and minimise risks to human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The conference will bring together high-level experts from governments, international organisations, businesses, technology, academia and research, civil society and the media. From the perspective of the Council of Europe’s core mandate and values, the debates will explore ways to ensure that emerging technologies are designed, developed and applied to create value for individuals, for democratic societies and for the viability of legal and institutional frameworks. Concept note Programme AI in Action Practical Information Background Information Biographies Press Web streaming Sources: The EJN’s founder and president, Aidan White, spoke on a panel on AI and human rights. This session will explore the impacts of AI powered techniques on the access to and exercise of the human rights enshrined in the European Convention, such as privacy and the freedom of expression. Moderator: Karen Yeung, Professor, Birmingham Law School & School of Computer Science Panelists: Michael O’Flaherty, Director, EU Agency for Fundamental Rights Tamar Kaldani, Data Protection Commissioner, Georgia Aidan White, President, Ethical Journalism Network Nani Jansen Reventlow, Director, Digital Freedom Fund Oliver Süme, Chairman of the Board of the Internet Industry Association (eco) Below is a summary from social media posts about his interventions and the rest of the event. #AIFINCoE @aidanpwhite : social intelligence is about reflection; credible journalism takes time — Cornelia Kutterer (@ckutterer) February 26, 2019 Another point by @aidanpwhite that I agree of – call for an international independent panel of experts such as we have for climate change. #aiethics #AIFINCoE A gentleman from the floor (and Russia) points out it's easy now to detect jokes/sarcasm with #AI. He's right. — Joanna J Bryson (@j2bryson) February 26, 2019 Concluding session: Professor Markku Suksi: "Not regulating the AI at all is not an option. However, the regulating should not only be limiting but also enabling" #AIFINCoE #CoE4AI #FinlandCoE @Ulkoministerio @FinlandCoE — Jaakko Koivusaari (@JaskaKoo) February 27, 2019 Can we teach machines to learn and respect universal human rights is the question, says Justice Minister Häkkänen in his speach at #AIFINCoE conference. @FinlandCoE — Merja Lahtinen (@MerjaLah) February 27, 2019 Georg Satwa presents to #AIFINCoE the 5 principles of #CEPEJ ethical charter on the use of #AI in judicial systems: 1/ respect for fundamental #rights; 2/ non-discrimination; 3/#quality & #security; 4/ #transparency, #impartiality & intellectual integrity; 5/ user-under-control. — Nicolas Miailhe ???????????????? (@n_miailhe) February 27, 2019 We need to act now and put #HumanRights at the centre of artificial intelligence designs Read my full speech at #AIFINCoE #CoE4AI #AI — Commissioner for Human Rights (@CommissionerHR) February 26, 2019 Ethics are clearly important wrt to Artificial Intelligence but we need to move to the human rights framework – rights are normative, inalienable, universal and enforceable. Read more here for recommendations for Europe #AIFINCoE — Brett Solomon (@solomonbrett) February 26, 2019 A two-day High-Level Conference “Governing the Game Changer – Impacts of artificial intelligence development on human rights, democracy and the rule of law” #AIFINCoE opened in Helsinki today. @coe sums up the first seminar day: — Oikeusministeriö (@oikeusmin) February 26, 2019
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