Magda Abu-Fadil Advisor

Magda Abu-Fadil is director of Media Unlimited. She brings years of experience as a foreign correspondent and editor with international news organisations such as Agence France-Presse and United Press International. She headed the Journalism Training Program at the American University of Beirut, which she founded.

Magda wrote for Arab dailies Asharq Al-Awsat and Al Riyadh, Washington-based Defense News, was Washington bureau chief of Events magazine, and was Washington correspondent for London-based The Middle East magazine. Abu-Fadil served as director of the Institute for Professional Journalists at the Lebanese American University.

She taught journalism at her alma mater, American University in Washington, D.C. She conducts seminars and workshops in English, Arabic and French for professional journalists across the Arab world, collaborates with international organisations on media projects, safety for journalists, consults on media education and media literacy programs, speaks regularly at international conferences, publishes extensively on media issues, journalism education, and training, media ethics, and, blogs for HuffPost.

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