Anna Masera Advisor

Anna Masera is public editor of the Italian daily La Stampa, where she has worked since 1999 as web editor and social media editor, with a two-year leave of absence as spokesperson at the Italian House of Representatives in Rome in 2014-2015. She has also been Director of the Masters Degree in Journalism (a two-year program) at the University of Turin since July 2016.

She graduated from Yale University with a BA in History in 1983 and from Columbia University with an MA in Journalism in 1984.

EJN resources by Anna Masera

Anna wrote the Italy chapter of the EJN’s 2017 report for the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) on how media on both side of the Mediterranean cover migration. Anna’s chapter was entitled: The Temperature is Down, but Media Coverage still Fails to Tell the full Migration Story.

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