9th October 2017
By Tom Law

UAE, Philippines to tackle trafficking

On September 22, 2017 Dubai-based EJN/ILO Labour Migration fellow Angel Lee Tesorero published an article about the United Arab Emirates and the Philippines signing a Memorandum of Understanding to stop trafficking in the Khaleej Times.
This story was a follow-up to Angel’s series of stories published in July 2017:
Angel plans on developing theseĀ stories as part of the EJN/ILO Labour Migration Reporting Fellowship.
As part the training conducted to kick off the fellowship journalists were encouraged to use theĀ Migration Glossary for Middle East Media developed by the ILO, which encourages the use of ‘domestic worker’ rather than ‘maids’ and other advice. For more resources on labour migration see: https://ethicaljournalismnetwork.org/journalism-resources-on-labour-migration