Jordan: Challenges of women’s work in the agricultural sector
This video was published with support from the Fairway Fellowship, an initiative of the Ethical Journalism Network and International Labour Organization to support quality reporting on labour migration in the Middle East.
Ezzeldeen Al Ntour is a journalist and photographer who works on documenting human stories both visually and in writing. He worked for Haber magazine and Amman Net, winner of the Human Rights Journalism Award in Jordan in 2015, and the Human Rights Journalism Award in 2016, and participated in preparing specialized human rights reports on migrant workers in Jordan.
تحديات عمل المراة في القطاع الزراعي
إعداد: عز الدين الناطور
تحالف مناهضة العنف والتحرش في عالم العمل
Prepared by: Ezzeldeen Al Ntour, Alliance Against Violence and Harassment in the World of Work.
This video was published with support from the Fairway Fellowship, an initiative of the Ethical Journalism Network and International Labour Organization to support quality reporting on labour migration in the Middle East.