27th May 2014
By Stefanie Chernow

Ethical Journalism Newsletter: May 27th, 2014

Ethical Journalism News

Director’s Letter: May 2014

EJN work in Africa continues to strengthen. In Kampala on May 22-23, and in partnership with the International Association of Women in Radio and Television and the African Federation of Journalists, the EJN Africa campaign against hate speech — Turning the Page of Hate — will focus on how media are covering critical social issues such as violence against women and the rights of sexual minorities.

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Kampala Declaration

Turning the Page of Hate in African Media

We welcome the launch of the campaign, Turning the Page of Hate Media in Africa, and call on all journalists and media leaders to practice ethical, tolerant and inclusive journalism and to promote editorial action that will expose all forms of physical and sexual violence against women, including economic, psychological and emotional abuse.

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Media Stereotypes and the Scourge of Violence Against Women: Introduction by EJN Director

Turning the Page of Hate Conference, Kampala, May 23rd – 24th 2014

Our aim is to raise awareness in journalism of the need to put hate speech in context and to remove incitement to intense hatred and violence from public discourse. The role of journalism and media in helping to find solutions to this problem cannot be over-stated. Media can help to shape public opinion for action in favour of positive action to defend women’s rights by telling the story of gender violence through the ethical, careful and sensitive prism of quality journalism.

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Hatred in the News: Understanding Stereotypes and How to Avoid Them

Although journalism can do good, it is not its main purpose. Ethical journalists will always tell you they are not about advocacy for one political objective. But good reporting can be a progressive force when it provides useful, reliable and accurate information that builds public confidence and helps people overcome their problems. However, when it comes to dealing with the crisis of violence against women and girls media are often part of the problem rather than being an important potential agent of change.

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[VIDEO] The ‘All-Out Propaganda War’ in Ukraine

The coverage has been dismissed as “propaganda” in the West – but you do not have to go all the way to Moscow to find biased journalism. Western news outlets have also been criticised for reflecting, even parroting, what their domestic political leaders have been saying about this crisis. Our News Divide this week looks at the biased coverage on both sides of the Ukrainian story. (via Al Jazeera)

PBS Needs To “Not Get In The Way Of Reporters Or Photographers Covering News”

The handcuffing of a protester in the lobby of a major hotel is a news story—not a PBS story—and taking pictures of the event is part of that news story. To say that “our procedure is for communications staff to manage interactions with reporters” and to “wait until a PR staff member could arrive” is like telling someone not to take pictures of an airplane crashing until the company PR person arrives. (via PBS Ombudsman)

Who Are You Calling A Fact-Checker?

Fact-checkers and fact-checking organizations aim to increase knowledge by re-reporting and researching the purported facts in published/recorded statements made by politicians and anyone whose words impact others’ lives and livelihoods. Fact-checkers investigate verifiable facts, and their work is free of partisanship, advocacy and rhetoric. (via The American Press Institute)

The FCC, Net Neutrality, and Corporate Power

We don’t need FCC rule changes that benefit giant corporations. We need an FCC that lives up to its original mission of protecting the public interest. We are now in a “public discussion” period until July so ordinary citizens can voice their opinions of the FCC’s proposed corporate-friendly policies regarding Net Neutrality. (via Huffington Post)

The Science Of Science Writing

The fundamental difference between writing about social sciences and science and technology is in the use of analogous examples to explain and elucidate a point or a view. While employing an analogous example enriches our understanding in social sciences, it may backfire as in the case of Subashree’s report because of extreme specificity of each subject. An analogy in a science story forces the writer to add annotations and afterwards to explain the intended meaning. (via The Hindu)

Women On The Frontline: Female Photojournalists’ Visions Of Conflict

Women are coming to the fore in a profession long dominated by men, and telling stories their male counterparts couldn’t get. Four leading female photographers talk about their work. (via The Guardian)

Reports & Resources

[INFOGRAPHIC] Hate Speech: A 5 Point Test For Journalists

Turning the Page of Hate Media Campaign for Tolerance In Journalism

This infographic helps journalists navigate through this minefield and take into consideration the wider context in which people express themselves. They must focus not just on what is said, but what is intended. It’s not just a matter of law or socially acceptable behaviour; it’s a question of whether speech aims to do others harm, particularly at moments when there is the threat of immediate violence.

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EJN Presentation: How To Avoid Media Stereotypes

This short presentation was given by EJN Director Aidan White at the Turning the Page of Hate Conference in Kampala on May 23rd, 2014. It defines concrete ways the media can stop objectifying women in its reporting.

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IAWRT Regional Conference 2014

Istanbul, Turkey

29 – 30 May 2014: The International Association of Women in Radio and Television is planning a regional conference in Istanbul, Turkey. 

IAWRT has in recent months, made inroads into North Africa having successfully held conferences in Tunisia and Morocco, and continues to extend its network in the Arab region and Middle Eastern countries. The conference will be held in partnership with The Association of Documentary Filmmakers of Turkey.

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WAN-IFRA: 21st World Editors Forum

Torino, Italy

9 – 11 June 2014: The World Editors Forum gathers Editors-in-Chief from around the globe. The Forum provides news professionals with an annual meeting place to examine ethical challenges, learn about innovations in newsrooms and celebrate quality journalism and cutting-edge storytelling techniques. The Ethical Journalism Network will participate in two sessions on 10 June on fact-checking and online codes of ethics. Email us if you would like to meet up at the World Editors Forum!

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