19th December 2014
By Stefanie Chernow

Ethical Journalism Newsletter: December 19th, 2014

Ethical Journalism News

Ethics Watchdog Puts New York Times To The Test in Cairo

As part of its investigative series on international reporting about Egypt, iMediaEthics found that The New York Times Cairo Bureau Chief David Kirkpatrick has failed to interview sources featured in headlines and give them the right of reply. (via iMediaEthics)

The Ethics Of Hacked Email And Otherwise Ill-Gotten Information

There are journalism ethics to mining emails hacked by someone else. But the question is not whether or not to mine them, but rather how. (via Poynter)

2014: The Year Of Personalized Ethics

The personalized ethics movement speaks to the very future of journalism ethics in a digital age: What, if any, journalism ethics is possible? (via Media Morals)

Great Saves By AP Staffers

From a fake sniper video to an inaccurate plot to kill the Queen, here are the latest examples of great saves by AP staffers who protected us from hoaxes and inaccuracies. (via The AP)

How A Mistake Keeps Getting Repeated

Reporters often will go back in the internal files to check on past stories to find such information as a number or a past quote. This is one of the reasons it is so important to correct all significant factual errors is so they do not get repeated in future stories. (via The Globe and Mail)

Government Should Have No Role In Running Of BBC World Service

John Birt, the former director general of the BBC, has said the government should no longer have any say in the running of the World Service after its funding was taken over by the BBC. (via The Guardian)

NYT Standards Editor Phillip Corbett: ‘We Could Do A Lot Better’ On Linking

For all our progress in digital journalism, we sometimes still neglect one of its most basic tools: the link. Links provide background information, buttress our reporting, point to related material, aid search and help ensure proper credit and attribution. They are easy to include and cost nothing. (via Poynter)

Reports & Resources

Free Handbook On Verifying Social Media, Breaking News Now Available In Arabic

The Verification Handbook, written by top-notch journalists and launched early this year, is an important guide for journalists who gather information from social media. (via ijnet)


All-China Journalists Association Delegation visit to London

December 16 – 19: The EJN will be hosting the ACJA visit to London. Delegation members will visit The Guardian, The Thomson Foundation, National Union of Journalist, IMPRESS, Independent Press Standards Organisation and the BBC.

Call For Papers: III International Conference on Media Ethics

We invite you to present your abstract to the III International Conference on Media Ethics, that will take place at the School of Communication of the University of Seville on the 24th, 25th and 26th of March 2015. The abstract should be 500 words maximum and the deadline to submit ends on 15th January 2015. And the deadline to submit the full paper is 28th Februrary 2015.

This international conference is organized by the University of Seville and the Autonoma University of the Mexican State (UAEM). The conference will have parallel session in English and Spanish. For further information about sub-themes, criteria and process visit www.congreso.us.es/mediaethics